Morning scroll

Morning scroll

(Devlog 1)


3 min read

Embarking on a coding adventure beyond the 9-to-5 grind! ๐Ÿš€ Join me in the excitement of frequent devlogs, where I spill the beans on how our app is coming to life! ๐Ÿš€ #MorningScrollDev"

Hello World:

Real talk! Here's the deal โ€“ every day, I'm putting in those 9-to-5 hours, grinding just like you. But when that workday whistle blows, it's not a signal to kick back and relax. Nope, it's game time for my new app, Morning Scroll. ๐Ÿš€

So, what makes this one stand out?

Meet "Morning Scroll" (might change the name later). The idea hit me when I realized social media was dragging me down. I needed a break. The first few mornings after that decision, guess what? I still reached for my phone, hoping for a little feel-good moment.

I know, I'm not alone. About 71% of folks do the same. But here's the twist - I've got a stack of self-help books, and I'm diving into them to make this app seriously useful!

So, what's the big plan?

I'm on a mission to create an app with widgets. Think of widgets like tiny routines. One of them, for example, is "Morning Affirmations."

Now, you might be thinking, "Another habit app?" Well, sort of. But this time, I'm building an app I'd actually use. See, I'm the kind of person whose attention flits around like a butterfly in a garden โ€“ especially with my not-so-stellar focus span. So, building an app that's not only super easy to use but also interactive is my secret weapon against distraction.

Imagine an app that doesn't feel like a chore. Picture a space where setting up your daily routines is as simple as growing flowers in your garden. I want Morning Scroll to be a playground for your habits, making each interaction a breeze, even for those of us with the attention span of a goldfish (guilty as charged!).

In a world of quick-scrolling screens and endless notifications, I get it โ€“ keeping focus is like herding cats. That's why I'm weaving simplicity into the app's DNA. It's not just about creating routines; it's about creating them effortlessly, in a way that suits even the most distractible minds (like mine!).

All these plants, representing different widgets, will find their way into the garden on your main screen. How's it going to look? Honestly, I'm still figuring that out, and that's why this devlog is as real-time as it gets.

So, yes, it's another habit app, but it's my personal mission to make it the one that clicks with the easily-distracted, the fidgety, and the perpetually scattered-brained (yep, that's me again!). Together, let's turn "building habits" from a daunting task into a delightful experience. โœจ

Who knows, maybe I'll turn this into a YouTube thing someday. Maybe. Or maybe not. We'll see.
